Welcome to LEADERSHIP Culture

YAST GROUP is an portfolio investment holding company founded by Esther Law, riding on the success formula of “3Z business integration model, lead with H.E.A.R.T.S, believing in We are a culture of R.E.A.L. L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P., delivering services through B.E.U. model and 6I symbiosis process”.

Everything Rise and Fall on Leadership

– John C Maxwell

Founder Message

It was 5 a.m. in the morning, when the name YAST came across my mind in the cozy environment of the UK’s capital, London. 20th Oct 2013, was the second day of my learning trip, attending Anthony Robbins’ Business Mastery London Workshop, joining a few hundred other entrepreneurs from around the world in the capital of one of the world’s legacy empires.

The name struck right at a time when I was searching for a breakthrough in my career, on how to focus and connect the dots, in order for me to go further in life. Throughout the soul searching and self actualization journey, I found out that it is not only about defining who I am, but also to better serve humanity with my capabilities and gifted talent.

Being an intuitive painter myself, I see every venture equivalent to a masterpiece. Every production has to be unique, just as every painting is special in its own way. Throughout the entrepreneurship journey from my homeland Malaysia, to China, to the Middle East, and the United States, I went through another important milestone of my life during that UK’s learning trip – the calling to fulfill my life destiny via a global brand that carry the functions to invest for prosperity, to develop for sustainability, and to serve for humanity.

“I am your friend, I am your Esther”, has always been my friendly approach to my partners in life and business. Your Esther, (‘友’- You ‘爱’- Ai ‘思’ – Si ‘特’ – Te in Chinese), coincidently connects and bring out the name YAST, which carries the meaning of ‘Friendship, ‘Love’, ‘Positive Mindset’, ‘Uniqueness’ respectively.

Harmonically, it synergizes the dots from the past, present, and future. It leads to the branding and positioning of the global community that will serve the purpose of contributing to a better future for humanity, creating R.E.A.L. value through shared L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P.

Thus, the birth of the YAST Group.

Being through YAST 1.0 (Connect), entering YAST 2.0 (Enrich) and visualizing YAST 3.0 (Empower), I firmly believe that this has been and will always be a blessed and beautiful journey spanning through decades of progress.

Let’s connect, enrich, and empower in our world of L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P. Culture through systematic approach within our ecosystem.

“I am your friend, I am your Esther”

“I am your friend, I am your Esther”

From Transformational Leadership Towards Shared Leadership

Transformational leadership is defined as a leadership approach that causes change in individuals and social systems. In its ideal form, it creates valuable and positive change in the followers with the end goal of developing followers into leaders.
Shared leadership occurs when two or more members engage in the leadership of the team in an effort to influence and direct fellow members to maximize team effectiveness (Bergman, Rentsch, Small, Davenport & Bergman, 2012).
When a group of indpositionividuals lead each other to achieve successful outcomes, tasks are shared through a team environment that relies on a shared purpose, social support, and voice. This is most effective when organizations are utilizing teams to achieve organizational objectives.