Leadership Etiquette for Women Leaders Seminar by Madam Esther

The Federation of Kuching And Samarahan Divisions Chinese Associations, Sarawak (Women Section) Organized a Seminar at Conference Hall of Quantum Metal Borneo Reginal Office last Monday.Our Founder cum Chairlady of YAST GROUP and Co – Founder of Quantum Metal Exchange Inc Mdm Esther Law was invited by the respective Association to conduct a motivational talk for a group of Women Leaders .The topic for the seminar ~ “Leadership Etiquette for Women Leaders” Mdm Esther has been reaching out to the ladies group,young Entrepreneurs ,youth and special needs group with providing free coaching and

Empowerment Program for them to train them to be a Wonderful Leader can shine from inside out .As Certified Trainer and Founding member of John C Maxwell Team ,Mdm Esher Law shared her experiences about the importance of Etiquette and the Right Values that Leaders should practice in life .The ladies group inspired by her inspirational Sharing and they are looking forward to attend the next Empowerment program for ladies soon !❤️

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