“Wheel of Life” for A Balanced Personal Growth



Our founder and chairlady, madam Esther Law Lee Poh, shared with an audience of 27 team members from two local dailies, New Sarawak Tribune (NST)and Suara Sarawak (SS), about the “Wheel of Life” on 11th Jan 2024 at YAST Group HQ, Kuching.

The team participated the leadership course together with the CEO of NST and SS, Datuk Dr Jeniri Amir.

Madam Esther emphasised the importance of intentional actions and meticulous planning for personal growth in her session.

Rooted in the ‘Wheel of Life’ theory by Paul J Mayer, focusing on key life areas such as finance, family, spirituality, career, friends, self-development, and health, the session is not just a theory — it’s a practical tool that empowers us to identify imbalances, fostering a positive and fulfilling future. 🔄 💼

Check out the media coverage on the sharing session from the link below:


#YASTGroup #EstherLawLeePoh #LeadershipTalk #WheelOfLife #PersonalGrowth

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